4 green living tips unexpected friend

You will be surprised by unexpected tips to a better life and more green? Here are 4 tips, please read over reflection on the positive changes you will have in your life when you do all or any of these tips. So without further delay, here are the tips of the promised "Green eco life":
Eco green living Tips 1.

Get rid of your desktop

Have you thought about using a laptop almost 25 percent of the electricity consumed by a desktop computer? Get rid of desktop computers and your day will be more green.

If you say to yourself-"can't do that" and really don't want to get rid of the desktop of your computer-you can at least turn it off at night-and this will save you a nice $ 90 per year for each computer. 2 computers with up to $ 180 per year, if you count the time from home, such as holidays and if you want to turn off your monitor when you are not near your computer – and this can easily save $ 1,000 per year.

Eco green living Tips 2.

Upgrade your refrigerator

Have you ever thought that the refrigerator accounts for about one-sixth of all energy consumption in your home? Upgrade your refrigerator may not be cheap but in the light of the electricity savings you can achieve-it will pay for itself! There is a lot of information online about saving money while living green while saving money-so See it! This will help you "live green economic cooperation organization".

Even if you decide not to change the refrigerator – you can save some energy here adjust the temperature of the refrigerator 3 and 37 degrees.

Eco green living Tips.

Remove the washing machine

Have you ever thought that the Laundry is the second largest water consumption? While you're in the shop to replace the fridge stopped by washing machines. Chances are that similar to the savings you will get when you upgrade sales of washing machines fridge You will explain to you how much electricity and water bills, save after moving to a new energy-efficient.

If you say to yourself-"can't do that" and really don't want to get rid of an old washing machine, you can still save up to 80% of the energy used washing machine using cold water to wash clothes.

Eco green living Tips 4.

Looking for a new home

Your title has a significant impact on Your ecological footprint. Is consumed too much energy in transportation when you go to and from work and your children go to and from school. Move the home energy conservation and green living, living with more quality with the green family in your home.

If you don't get moving at home now-you can live greener at home more: long term plans to improve the House reduces energy resources, and improve your quality of life and save money.

Hope You found this eco-green living measures are useful, even if you don't change Your home-this article has helped you in a direction to live green. The Internet has many great resources to help you go green-even expectations continue reading and acting.

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